Marysville Heart

Image copyright Drew Echberg photography.

Image by Drew Echberg photography

Image copyright Drew Echberg photography

Image copyright Drew Echberg photography.
Katherine was part of the team helping to rebuild Marysville township after the shocking Black Saturday bushfires.
Central is Marysville Heart: a prominent new area of open space right on the main street. The park is a gathering place for the community, and also serves to soften two major new buildings.
The design integrates various interpretive elements , including text and graphics by Arterial with assistance from Creative Hat; artwork by Bruno Torfs; the old police station; elements of the logging history of the town; and name bricks made by residents before the fire.
Throughout, the team aimed to reflect and recreate the pride and love residents feel for their town.
Designed with Urban Initiatives, Katherine was also responsible for the design of the bespoke shelter and furniture.