Lady Emily Reserve playspace

Photo copyright Drew Echberg

Photograph copyright Drew Echberg

Photograph copyright Drew Echberg

Photo copyright Drew Echberg
Lady Emily Reserve in Skye is a local park, and gathering place for the local community in the City of Frankston.
This design not only upgrades the playspace for all ages, but also provides important infrastructure that supports all users: extensive new planting to increase biodiversity, paths for easy access, drinking fountains, picnic tables and a shelter, and many different types of seating. Timber recycled from the old play structure was used to create 'box' seats in friendly groups in shaded areas.
The playspace includes a custom designed structure constructed by Allplay, a variety of swings, climbing and upper body challenges for older children, an inground jumper, spinning equipment and opportunities for nature play.
Unique kooky stone 'chickens' and eggs were constructed by Leafing Public Art to add some special character to this special park.